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About Us

INFORMED CITIZENS of Texas has now been in existence for over 15 years!

For most of our history our focus was on restoring the Rule of Law in Harris County (Houston). The tremendous investment of time and other resources came to fruition in 2008, fifteen years after our mission was imposed upon us by illegal acts by STATE ACTORS operating in positions of public service in the subunit of government for our Land, Harris County.


The District Attorney resigned and later that year both the District Attorney and the Sheriff were replaced with Citizens who clearly and unequivocally expressed their dedication to THE RULE OF LAW. In the election of 2008:
Pat Lykos, a Republican, - but first and foremost a Texan and an American - became District Attorney and immediately began to correct the corrupt culture that had dominated that office for over 20 years. A culture that brought a disrepute upon our County that became known not only locally, but all around the United States and even internationally.
Adrian Garcia, a Democrat, - but first and foremost a Texan and an American -became Sheriff and he, too, immediately began to correct the corrupt culture, an attitude among public servants serving therein that they were above the law, that worked in conspiracy with the same attitude in the DA Office, to deprive the Citizen living in Harris County of Liberty and Justice.
Other Candidates, seeking other Executive, Judicial, and Legislative positions of public service, who campaigned on the promise they would inflict more pain and punishment on the Citizen than their opponent, in the name of ‘public safety’, LOST. Those candidates who expressed respect for the Rule of Law to protect the right of each Citizen to Liberty and Justice, regardless of their position of employment or lack thereof, WON.


The Statewide Efforts of INFORMED CITIZENS began a little over 8 years ago before the 2001 regular session of the Texas Legislature. With each regular session our efforts to restore the spirit of 1836 to all of Texas has intensified. We have impressed ourselves with our ability to influence the legislative process simply by providing information to our Legislators and their Staff. There is a tendency among many to assume they are more informed than they actually are. A Legislator and Staff from one area of our Great Land of Texas are often unaware of the effect statutory law and policy established by the Legislature is having on the Citizens of another area of our Great Land, or aware of what is happening in a major metropolitan area, such as Houston, causing damage to the entire STATE - the reputation of the STATE, and imposing unnecessary cost to our public treasury - and therefore harming their constituents as well.

Please assist us in our efforts. Act on your own, as many did to make the success in Harris County possible; Or contact us to coordinate your efforts with ours or to assist us in other ways. Send an email to info@informed.org

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