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Informed Citizens

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We hold these truths to be self-evident,

(1) that all Humans are created equal,

 (2) that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --

(3) That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Humanity, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

Supreme Law of the Land

It MANDATES (Commands, as a Commandment) that ALL recognize:

1) that GOD (or Nature's God) is the SOURCE of RIGHTS

2) that ONLY the individual - Human Person - has RIGHTS

3) that these RIGHTS are unalienable / inherent.

There is LOGIC (aka Reason) to support these truths. They do not need to be taken on Faith. But the Law-Givers for this Nation of People, known as Americans, chose to refer to these as simply SELF-EVIDENT TRUTHS and all who made a blood sacrifice to establish this Political Philosophy, took it on FAITH, based on a spiritual belief, a feeling, in the core of their being, as TRUTH, and it, therefore, constitutes a Religion.

"self-evident" means no further proof is needed to establish these facts as truths..
Yet some will ask; on what authority is this presented as Truth?
This was address by those that established this as the identity, and the definition, of this Nation;
the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them
(See paragraph 1 of the Declaration)

It was this statement, this LAW, as the Supreme Law of the Land, that defined and identified the Nation established by it.

A NATION is a PEOPLE who share a common identity. Americans are those identify themselves as believers of, and advocates for, these self-evident truths.

The Individuals that choose to accept this as the supreme Law of the Land are known as Americans. Those that fought, and fight, for the establishment of this Law on this Land were and are known as Patriots.

Is this your identity?

 Are you an America? Are you a Patriot?

And what about our GOVERNMENT on this Land?

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