151st Civil District Court


Republican Candidate


(Taken from their campaign literature)

A fifth generation Texas, Caroline's Texas roots date back to the early 1800's. Her great-great grandfather, James Addison Baker served as Judge of the 7th State District Court in 1862. Caroline is a partner in the firm of McFall, Sherwood & Sheehy. She practices medical malpractice defense.

Caroline is a graduate of the University of Texas School of Law, earned an undergraduate degree from Princeton Univeristy in History and European Cultural Studies. While a student, she was an evening newscaster on WPRB, on of New Jersey's top rated stations. Action in campus life, Caroline was a cheerleader, and was elected head cheerleader her junior and senior year.

Caroline says her judicial philosophy is a conservative one; that the courts should be accessible and open to all Texans as a last resort to resolve their disputes. She believes that a judge is first and foremost a public servant and should respect the attorneys and parties in every case.

A lifelong Republican, Caroline is actinve in the Downtown Pachyderm Club shere she has served as Programs Chairman. She is also a member of the Magic Circle Republican Women's Club, and the Houston Professional Republican Women's Club.

Caroline is a lifelong member of St. Martin's Epicscopal Church.