The general perception is that a State becomes a Rogue State when it wrongfully imprisons its citizens. This is due to a common error of logic that overlooks the law of cause and effect.
A State becomes a Rogue State when it refuses to pay restitution to
The citizen it has wrongfully imprisoned.
It is then easy for a State to wrongfully imprison the private citizen. Some time later, after the reputation the citizen depends upon for their livelihood has been destroyed and their personal finances devastated by the unlawful taking of the only private property God gives us, our body and our time, it can release them with nothing more than an reversal of the conviction with remand finding they were not guilty. Not even an apology.
The State then is free of any deterrent!
Our current system has evolved to provide many incentives for wrongfully imprisoning the citizen of Texas. The State’s Actors, known as prosecutors, obtain career advancement, and their boss re-election, and the sub-unit of the STATE entity in which they are employed receives additional funding, all on the basis of the number of prosecutions they undertake and the convictions they obtain. There is no deterrent for pursuing illegal prosecutions against an innocent citizen. Nor is there any deterrent to a prosecutor obtaining wrongful imprisonments in the name of THE STATE. The benefits of their employment come from the public treasury dolled out by Congress & Legislators based on the number of prosecutions initiate and convictions they obtain.
Judges, elected to our State Courts with jurisdiction over criminal matters, also benefit by aiding & abetting prosecutors in securing erroneous convictions. At election time the candidate most likely to win the seat is a former prosecutor who runs on the number of convictions they obtained. Scant notice is given to the prosecutions they should not have pursued and the convictions they wrongfully obtained. Incumbent Judges brag about the number of convictions and years of imprisonment given as cause to re-elect them or elect them to a higher political office.
ONLY if the STATE must compensate those it has wrongfully imprisoned is there a deterrent. Then those running for election to a Judicial Office can be confronted with what they cost the taxpayers of our State by the role they played in the wrong suffered by a citizen our STATE imprisoned. The people of Texas will then, again, have LIBERTY.
Compensation for a wrongful imprisonment is, and must be, an Inviolate Right.
A right existing INDEPENDENT of law, or any “interpretation” of law. Our Texas Constitution must be seen as SECURITY of, this god-given right, not a bar to it.
INFORMED CITIZENS of Texas- – wants our servants, representing the people of Texas in our Legislature, to address this. RESTORE dignity to THE STATE OF TEXAS. Return to us LIBERTY & JUSTICE.