INFORMED CITIZENS is creating a list of Texas Legislators faithful to LIBERTY.

Liberty is formally defined in dictionaries as freedom from arbitrary Rule. This is, in fact, the very purpose for the creation of LAW for our Land of Texas. The purpose for a Legislative Department of government is to create LAW. But the Law is only a pretense of protection, a fraud, if the Executive and Judicial Departments disregard the LAW created by those that represent the sovereign in the Legislative Department.

The FUNCTION of LAW on our Land of Texas is

to PROTECT the Citizen from the STATE.

A secondary function of Law is to protect the Individual Citizen from other people.

The FIRST purpose for the creation of Law has been overshadowed to the point where it’s purpose has been lost upon the public, by an over abundance of propaganda given to the SECONDARY function by those who profit from it.

INFORMED CITIZENS is working to direct media to the primary purpose for LAW.

If LAW does not protect the Individual citizen FROM the State, then there is no need for a Legislative Body to create Law. The State can then be simply an Executive Department, to arbitrarily punish and oppress the people and the Judiciary can simply settle disputes among the people to decide who gets punished when one has a grievance against another. A reversion to the time before our revolution when England had no parliament but only a King, and his titled nobles, acting as the Executive Department of Government, and the Judiciary appointed by the King to carry out the Kings decrees or arbitrarily order punishment to settle any grievance between the subjects brought to the Kings Courts.

LAW created by the sovereign (the people of Texas) in our Constitution, and LAW created by those who represent the sovereign in our Legislature, is the means by which our Legislators POLICE the Executive and Judicial Departments of our State.

LIBERTY legislators understand the Legislative Department must to more than simply make laws. Legislators must POLICE the Executive and Judicial Departments to insure COMPLIANCE with the Laws our legislators have created. This is the essence of a republican form of government created by Constitutional design and guaranteed to every Individual of our Land of Texas by both our US and Texas Constitutions.

For too long we have had Legislators who FAILED to do their duty to CHECK the abuse of public trust given to those employed in our Executive and Judicial Divisions of government. To the contrary they have chosen to cheer for those in the Executive and Judiciary who inflict the most punishment, the most oppression, upon the citizen.


As a result the integrity of our STATE (government on our land), and the reputation of the people of Texas, has been tarnished. Our fellow Americans in other States, and people around the world, now have a very poor opinion of our STATE. Our legislators must correct this for OUR personal protection, from the lawless acts of public servants in the Executive and Judicial Departments, and for the economic development of our Texas.

Past legislative bodies refused to appropriate funding for the one unit of government charged with the duty to police public servants. That unit is known as the ‘public integrity unit’ of the District Attorney seated in Travis County.

In the last regular session (2007) INFORMED CITIZENS encouraged our Legislators to increase funding for this unit. In response the Legislators gave our Office of the Attorney General permission to use the resources of that office to prosecute crimes committed by public servants. But our Attorney General abused this privilege to do the opposite. Greg Abbott, and those under his direction and supervision, did not prosecute a single case. They used the language of the act that give their Office this privilege to THWART prosecution of crimes committed by public servants in the Executive and Judicial Departments of government.

In the coming months INFORMED CITIZENS will list on our site LIBERTY LEGISLATORS. It will be a list of those that understand that our Legislative body must not only create laws, but act as a CHECK on the Executive and Judicial Departments to insure compliance. Without it, we do not have a republican form of government, only the pretense of a republican form. Without it we do not have Liberty, on the pretense of Liberty. Without this we do not have Justice, only the pretense of Justice.

INFORMED CITIZENS wants our Legislators to create committees that will SANCTION, with fines, and in extreme cases impeachment (removal from Office) public servants in the Executive and Judicial Departments of our STATE, who violate the laws that govern their positions of public trust.


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