Our purpose is to expose Judicial
Corruption. That is; any failing by a Judge, or group of Judges, in
performance of their Duty as a judicial Officer.
Defining Corruption: The common belief is that
corruption is a Judge taking a bribe. Our definition goes well beyond this.
Our definition of corruption includes conscious, arrogant, disregard and
incompetence in the performance of their duties. Why? Because; it is very easy for
Judges, both individually and in collaboration with other Judges, to hide
corruption as mere incompetence or unintended errors. The Law is too
important to each of us, individually, and to each of us collectively, to
allow this.
Judges herein mean those that operate
in the United States. That is; those Individuals, entrusted with a Title
(signified by a Black Robe), to function pursuant to the LIMITED authority,
in the performance of duties, given to them, by us, in the United States
Constitution and Acts of Congress, for the sole purpose of ensuring the
Enforcement of the supreme Law of this Land established in the Declaration
of Independence.
Defining a Judge: A Judge is a human of no
greater importance than you. The only difference between you and a Judge is
that of a Title. In the United States, the people as the sovereign give
Judges their title of Judge. This is a position, with corresponding duties,
delegated to the Judge by a document called the Constitution.
Thus; We, the people, established the duty of a Judge.
It is very important to know and understand that Judges are not given their
Title by God, or by any other person, or collective of people.
They are given a DUTY. The title merely represents the duty!
The Duty of a Judge is clearly defined in the
United States. Their title comes with a duty that grants far less
discretionary power than is commonly believed. It is almost entirely a
ministerial duty. That is; their duty is not to “judge”. Their duty is to
administer the enforcement of the Law. The name for the position, the “title”
of Judge, is a misnomer in the United States. Why? Because the American
Revolution re-defined what a a Judge is. Our Constitution provides as the first and formost,
a duty of NON-judgment on the the part of the judicial Branch so that the integrity of the Law,
beginning with the supreme Law of the Land, is maintained. This is the only
means by which we, the people, can maintain our position of sovereignty over
any and all of title so the Blessings of Liberty may be secure.